The Mack Attack

Thought-provoking clap-trap for the skeptic-minded

Friday, May 26, 2006

A Couple Of Dickheads

A couple caught on video stealing marital aids from a local adult toy shop made a big mistake in returning to the store, Decatur, Alabama police said Monday.
When Larry and Ashley Gargis of Hillsboro walked into "Pleasures" on Thursday, the clerk recognized them and called police, said Lt. Chris Mathews, a police spokesman.
The couple allegedly had visited the store May 8, stealing enhancement pills and a "king size" rubber sex toy resembling a penis, Mathews said.
Police arrived and detained the couple. In the Gargis' vehicle, in a leather bag next to the child seat carrying the couple's 3-year-old daughter, a detective said he found the anatomically correct, stolen 9-inch toy.
The $50 device was no longer in its package, said Detective George Silvestri.
"Well, we kind of recovered the stolen property," said Mathews. "But basically, the store manager declined taking it back."
The store may file theft charges against the couple.
Also during the search, police found drug paraphernalia including hydrocodone pills, digital scales, plastic baggies and a methamphetamine pipe, Mathews said.
Police charged Larry Gargis, 29, with possession of a controlled substance and possession of a stolen rubber dick. Morgan County Jail released him Friday on $1,250 bond.
Ashley Gargis, 29, was transferred to Lawrence County Jail on an outstanding warrant for her arrest there.


At 11:46 AM, Blogger G. Mackster said...

"My pappy said, son you're gonna drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop humpin that hot rod in your Lincoln"


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