The Mack Attack

Thought-provoking clap-trap for the skeptic-minded

Friday, February 24, 2006

Ladies, now you can wee standing up!

Ever been miles from a toilet, or been faced with a toilet so filthy it would have made Attilla the Hun wince? Or been desperate next to a highway, but unwilling to drop your pants and squat? Now help is at hand. So to speak.
There is a new device on the market that you will enable you to urinate standing up. Two female private investigators, Emma Burger and Nina Overton, came up with the idea after often being faced with a lack of public toilets while being out doing surveillance.

No toilet to use?

“We realized that we weren’t the only ones – women on hiking trails, people at music festivals, concerts, or fairs, women travelling long distances, or simply women in an area with no toilets, all have the same problem, namely no toilets, or filthy toilets. Many women in the townships are also faced with this problem.”
The bacteria lurking on most public toilets include staphylococcus, psuedomonas, E. coli and streptococcus. And as if that is not enough, the fungal infections with which you can come into contact are the following: aspergillus, candida, flu, herpes zoster and herpes. Infectious diseases you can pick up from toilet seats also read like a horror story: cholera, amabesis, para-typhoid A, B and C, typhoid fever, enteric fever and hepatitis A.

A pocket-sized solution

And unlike men, women cannot just go and stand behind the nearest bush. Up until now, that is.
There is now an easy-to-use cardboard product that enables women to urinate while standing up. It is small enough to be folded up and put into your pocket before use. It is discreet and made from water-resistant cardboard that can be thrown into a bin after use, or put back in your pocket.
This product, called Femmeplus, means that women no longer have to squat. If it sounds funny to you, just think of the fact that it is no more funny than it would be to squat next to a highway and have a whole bus full of passengers watching you as they go by.
This device simply folds out into a kind of funnel, the wide open side of which you can place under the flow area between your legs. The urine then runs out the narrow front, making it possible for you to stand while doing this. And if you are wearing a skirt, the people around you will hardly know what you are doing. Pants need to be pulled down slightly, but nothing as exposing as pulling them right down and squatting in a public place.

Just carry along some toilet paper in your purse to wipe with.

“It will also make it a lot easier to give your doctor a urine sample. No more struggling with odd plastic containers that have a way of being everywhere except where you want them to be. Femmeplus should also make it easier for people in wheelchairs to urinate,” say Burger and Overtone.”

For more information about this product, you can visit the web page of Femmeplus at:


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